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My Home, My Energy
I have the power!
The cost of heating your home and other things will be going up in the next few years.
So you might need to start thinking about what you can do to manage your gas, electricity and water bills.
We have written some ‘Top Tips’ to help you take control of your bills, stay warm, healthy and keep safe!

People at Speakup have also written some things to help people understand what help is out there to help you and to plan what you can do to save energy and be safe in your home.
We have made some Microsoft Powerpoint and PDF Training Presentations which can be used by trainers and Self Advocacy Groups. These will not work on a mobile phone, they will only work when you download them and present them as a slide show on a computer screen, tablet or projector.
You can download these here and work through them on your own or in groups:
Your Energy Bills
Smart Meters
The Priority Services Register
Gas Safety in the home
Electrical Safety in the home
(When you open the links in Powerpoint they will open in another program, so to get back to the presentation you willl need to 'switch back' to it. Also the links will not work unless you present them in a slide show)
Your Energy Bills
The Priority Services Register
Gas Safety in the home
Electrical Safety in the home
We have also written some Top Tips to help you be safe with energy in the home, stay warmer in the winter and save money on your bills.
Click here to download the top tips 'My Home, My Energy, I have the power!'
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